Who We Are

National Alliance for Farmer Development Uganda (AFAD-Uganda) is a Coalition constituted to bring together National Farmers organizations (NFOs) working towards enhancing livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Uganda.   AFAD membership includes National farmer organizations, cooperatives, farmers unions and smallholder associations across the country.
At the formation, AFAD-Uganda focused on the harmonized tracking of farmer development programs in Uganda and increased lobby and advocacy for better farmer environment for productivity. 
AFAD- Uganda aims to track Farmer development programmes but also to ensure uniform  and collective advocacy and lobbying for Farmer development and improved livelihoods.
Over the years the Alliance has grown from the three institutions to more than 17 National and Local organizations, 
AFAD-Uganda is implementing its Five Year Strategic plan 2019-2023 geared towards better policy advocacy, ensuring an enabling environment for better farmer productivity, advancing better service delivery for smallholder farmers, Promoting sustainable agriculture as a means of ensuring enhanced livelihoods among farmer households and strengthening Farmer Organizations to effectively deliver better services to Farmers.

Our focus stretches from Policy lobby and Advocacy regarding Agriculture and farming communities, Agribusiness development and market systems development, capacity building, technology and knowledge dissemination, to enhancing harmonized good governance and farmer congregation for sustainable linkages.