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Kabale and the surrounding districts in South Wetern Uganda are the newest  area to be part of the barley value chain with over 2,800 farmers. Over all, there are about 25000 farmers engaged in barley growing country wide.  According to the brewer which is Nile Breweries, adding Kabale to the value chain is aimed at improving farmers’ household income and productivity. Theunis Coetzee, Agro manager, Nile Breweries, East African region said this will promote local production. “This will ensure the barley used for beer production is brewed within the country,” Coetzee said, noting that they are using the same number of farmers, the same area and we are producing everything in the country. This shows you the increase in terms of yields and the quality in terms of life of the farmers. He noted that achieving this requires training, skills and empowering farmers financially to get the right quantity and quality…

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